Bracing for ImpactThis essay was written by two, middle-income, cisgender women faculty members with advanced degrees. One of us identifies as white and…Mar 22, 20211Mar 22, 20211
Keep your head downIt began on my very first day as a tenure stream assistant professor. Just a month out of my postdoc, I traveled to work for my first day…Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
Burning my capeWonder woman pins, posters, and other paraphernalia fill my office. They are reminders that despite struggles and obstacles that I can do…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
are we ok?I was an eager 2nd year resident doing work that I loved. Despite all odds, I found myself in a field of medicine that constantly amazed…Sep 14, 2020Sep 14, 2020